Table of Contents
1. Creative Beings and the Precipice of Existence
2. Capitalism Defined
Society, the System, and Perpetuation
Socialized Production with Capitalist Ownership
Infinite Growth on a Finite Planet
Cyclical Consumption
Financial Reconfiguration & Reorganization
The Small Person
3. Crises and labor: A History of Labor Re-Structuring
Brief history of labor starting from the 1970s
Liquid evolution of labor
Decline of traditional and long term work, rise of the part time
Consequential impact on the individual/ family by the 2000s
4. Wage Stagnation: A Deep Dive Exploration
Frozen Wages and Compensation, but Increasing Productivity
Opponents and Proponents of Wage Stagnation
On Inequality
Unqualified and Under Skilled
Non-Compete/ Covenant not to compete
On Monopsony
Multiple Contending Theories
5. Proponents and Opponents of Capitalism as a Global force of Progress
The New Optimists
The Realists
6. COVID-19
A true litmus test for capitalism
Impacts; work, labor, life
Combating COVID; Vaccine and patents
Financial Reorganization / Wealth transfer
A true reflection how capital handles crises
7. The Financial Industrial Complex
True Ownership
The Revolving Door
Socialism but for the Rich??
Money in politics; legalized bribery/ Lobbying / dark money
Final Accumulation, financial insolvency, and hyperinflation
8. Politics and Polarization.
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Realities of the “Left Wing”; a tale of two lefts??
Traditional Corruption
Political Polarization and Vaudeville Acts
9. Technology: Abuse and Potentials
The abuse of technology
Technological Potentials and fantastic realities
10. Anti-Intellectualism and 3D, 4D, 17D Chess
The anatomy of Intellectualism
Levels of Misinformation and waves of Anti-Intellectualism
Vested disinformation and Capital
11. Anthropomorphic Climate Change
Where we are now
The "Race" to Net Zero?
Climate Realities
12. The Age of Strife and the Decline of the Human
Extraordinary People during Extraordinary Times?
The Unity of Hate
The Fragmentation of Leftism
Fundamental Unwillingness of the Masses
Exponential People and Exponential Problems
Capital’s reaction to Decline
Water Wars and Resource based conflicts
13. The Life Equation
Going beyond the Box
Techno-Humanism, Transition, and Praxis
Post Scarcity Realities
On PCE and CPI